Do you see a mouse running through the corner of your garage now and again? It’s probably nothing. They may have a small nest hidden behind some totes or boxes, but it’s nothing to worry about, right? Not so fast. Unfortunately, even a “cute” little mouse can lead to many issues within your garage or even your home, especially if your garage is attached. If you think you may have a rodent in your garage, beware of the dangers they could cause.

First, You Must Think of Your Health

While many people have mice as pets, these rodents are not the healthiest of creatures. When not in cages, they go to the bathroom anywhere they want to. This means that you may be breathing in particles from their urine or feces any time you move anything around in your garage. Plus, if there is a mouse in your garage, you also have to consider the fact that it likely is not a pet, so it would probably bite if it felt cornered. This could lead to many health problems, and is best avoided whenever possible.

Then, You Need to Consider the Damage

On top of the health issues that random mice can cause, there are also the other dangers to consider. Mice are chewers. They need to chew to keep their teeth from growing too fast, so they chew on anything around, from wood to wires to insulation. This could lead to you having exposed wires in your garage that could result in a fire. It could also lead to insulation sitting out instead of keeping your garage comfortable. You could also have holes chewed through your siding, allowing bigger creatures to come in and make a home.

Stanley Exteriors Are Garage Pros

If you recently removed rodents from your garage and you are worried about the damage they may have done, then reach out to us here at Stanley Exteriors. We can have someone come out and ensure that your garage is still safe to use or we can repair any wiring or insulation issues you may now be facing. Call us today. We are here to help!