Every season can cause damage to your roof, but summer provides a great opportunity to inspect and evaluate whether you may need repairs or a replacement. Don’t wait until next season, particularly if you notice common evidence of disrepair. It’s important to be aware of the major signs of wear and tear in your roof, especially before the ice and snow set in. 

Missing or Damaged Shingles

Shingles can be broken or blown loose by strong winds, rain, or hail. The integrity of your roof as a whole is due to each individual piece working together, so it’s important to pay attention to small damaged spots. If you notice shingles that are showing signs of wear and tear, make sure to schedule a consultation to evaluate. Look for discoloration in certain areas of your roof, or for shingles that simply do not look like the others around them. 

Signs of Animal Activity

Unwelcome guests can cause havoc on your roof. Squirrels in particular find it easy to hop onto the roof from nearby trees, and their gnawing and scratching can tear through shingles and roofing quickly. If you notice a hole through your roof, animals may likely be the culprit. You might even notice less obvious signs, such as scratch marks or chewing marks; in all cases, it is time for a replacement.


Though a leak may seem small at first, the damage can snowball quickly. When you notice water in your ceiling, it probably has been coming through the roof for some time. If you notice any leakage at all within your home, no matter how small, call a professional immediately. At this point, you may also need to evaluate damage to the interior structure of your attic and drywall. Additionally, you’ll likely need to check for mold damage.

Any of these warning signs are the perfect reason to call Stanley Exteriors.We will work with you to determine the level of damage and provide an estimate for repairs or replacement. Call us for a free consultation. We have the experience and expertise to guarantee excellent workmanship for your home.