Having a roof installed is a pretty major decision. Most homeowners will only have one roof installed during their lifetime, so it’s critical that you choose a design and style that’s going to be visually pleasing and stand up to the test of time.

You’ll need to consider several important elements when choosing your roof. Budget will play a huge role, as well as the area you live in. However, style is also important.

In this article, we’ll discuss the most popular choices for roofing installation. Hopefully, after reading, your decision will be much easier!

The Best Choices for Roof Installation

Listed below are the most popular choices for roof installation. Study each one and decide what might be the best option for your budget and style.

1.     Shingles

Shingles include asphalt, fiberglass, and composite. These are probably the most common types of roofing installations, and you’ve most likely seen them a million times.

90% of the homes in the United States have shingles installed, and this is for a good reason. They’re incredibly durable and very cost-efficient.BENN

Shingles are also a very low-maintenance option. However, their lifespan can be short, and the color tends to fade quickly.

2.     Metal

Metal roofing is currently considered a modern choice, but in the past, these were the most common roofing installations you could find (in the late 1800s into the 1950s). These roofs took a timeout for a while but are back by popular demand.

A metal roof is amazing when you have a rain shower, as the sound can be very tranquil. These roofs are low maintenance and durable, and you’ll have a variety of color options.

The downside is they require special tools for installation, which may cost you a lot more money in the end.

3.     Wooden Roofing

Wooden roofing is another type of installation that’s been more popular recently. The style of these roofs can be beautiful and are great for cottages and vacation homes.

A wooden roof has a great visual appeal, and if you’re eco-friendly, it’s always good to use a natural material. However, they require extremely high levels of maintenance to help you avoid mold and rot over time, especially if you get a lot of rain.

Choosing the right roof doesn’t have to be difficult; it just takes a bit of research. Consider the area you live in, how much maintenance you can handle, and what you can afford budget-wise. Remember to put some thought into it, because chances are high you’ll be stuck with it for a long time!