Siding does a number of things for your home. It updates the look and increases the curbside appeal. Plus, it also impacts the structure of your home as well as the insulation. Siding works differently from options like stucco, because it has more stability and variety in terms of both availability and features. In nearly all cases, choosing siding over stucco or other options results in cost savings from both heating bills and in repair and maintenance bills.

Damaged Siding Needs Addressing

All the good things about siding add up to some pretty impressive benefits However, when it gets damaged, it must be repaired immediately. This is especially the case if the damage happens in the fall or during the winter. Due to how the siding is attached to your home, any damage can lead to disasters.

Some of the most common issues that we see come up from damaged siding include:

  • Increases in heating bills during the winter months
  • Eventual staining from moisture trapped in the space between the siding and the interior structure of the home
  • Even animals take advantage of the weak points and crawl into these small spaces

Some rare instances involve moisture getting into the damaged part, and then freezing. That, in turn, expands the weakest point of the siding, sometimes increasing the damage to an incredible degree.

Keeping track of your siding around the home is important at every part of the year. However, it becomes a bigger necessity when winter rolls around. At least once a month you should be walking around the outside of the home and taking note of problem areas. Plus, at least twice a year you should have a team out to your home to look through any of the areas you may be concerned about. This is how you find and stop issues before they become huge financial burdens.

Call the Exterior Professionals

Stanley Exteriors is the top choice for everything exterior in the Chicago area. Give us a call today to set up an appointment to meet with us, or to find out more about what we can do for you and your home.